Choose and send the Venipedia gift card to whoever you want: for a birthday, a special event or simply for a kind gesture.

Do you want to give a gift to someone you love, a friend or someone who makes your days better, and you don’t know what to choose? Choose the Venipedia gift card and it can be used by choosing what it’is most wished.

You can find it available in five different amounts, for every occasion: 5€, 10€, 25€, 50€ e 100€.

The interested person will receive an e-mail with your dedication and the code to activate the credit on their Venipedia account (if they don’t have it, they will have to create it), which they can redeem whenever they want: our gift cards never expire.

You can choose whether to send it immediately or on a particular date.

The gift card is non-refundable and can only be used here in Venipedia.

SKU: vnp-gift-card


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