Discovering the history of Venice and its lagoon, in a place with monumental buildings and avenues, archaeological excavations, original graffiti, and artefacts from various eras: the Lazzaretto Nuovo.

The Lazzaretto Nuovo has experienced all the uses that have characterised the lagoon islands over the centuries - agricultural, religious, sanitary and military - and so it can tell the story, and for three centuries it was a threshold of Venice, as a quarantine Lazaretto, i.e. the place where the Serenissima Republic in the 15th century put into place the prevention policies for public health that have survived to the present day. 

A strategic location already in antiquity, along the waterways that connected the important centres of Ravenna and Altino, then 'Vigna Murada' with salt pans and a Benedictine monastery in the Middle Ages, then Lazzaretto and finally part of the 19th and 20th century fortifications. Today, the island is also a unique specimen from the point of view of the recovery project, thanks to a pioneering participatory and non-profit urban regeneration, which has brought it back to life and returned it to the community as an educational and experimental ecomuseum. 

This video guide briefly explores the historical-archaeological route within the island walls, which in the field is part of a comprehensive guided tour including the nature walk 'Il Sentiero delle Barene'.

The video guides support the Venetian Lazzaretti ecomuseum ( promoted by the Ekos Club and Archeoclub d'Italia Sede di Venezia associations.

This video guide is produced with the support of Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza

This initiative is part of the Venipedia Virtuosato return value to the land.

Estimated shipping date: Digital product, immediately available
SKU: lz-vg-historical-archaeological

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Lazzaretti Veneziani


18 min




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